Monday, November 30, 2009

Rain Slick - A New York City Street

Please Click Image to Enlarge.


windyg, said...

You're photography skills are intriguing but I must say. , your writing skills are mesmerizing for.upon watching an episode of forensic files i learned of your dear friends homicide. And in researching the details via Web search, I came upon your tribute from sorrow, of sorts.....and felt your pain....You really should write a book....and I know that your beloved friend is swollen up with angelic pride to have such a treasured, honest, real and true friend such as you...Thank You for sharing a piece of yourself with me! With Love, Windy L Glasgow.......PCB, Fl.

windyg, said...

You're photography skills are intriguing but I must say. , your writing skills are mesmerizing for.upon watching an episode of forensic files i learned of your dear friends homicide. And in researching the details via Web search, I came upon your tribute from sorrow, of sorts.....and felt your pain....You really should write a book....and I know that your beloved friend is swollen up with angelic pride to have such a treasured, honest, real and true friend such as you...Thank You for sharing a piece of yourself with me! With Love, Windy L Glasgow.......PCB, Fl.